22. feb. 2012

Transition to English! and some more

So, I decided today, to transition my blog to English, so a wider audience of the people who don't read my blog, could understand what the hell I'm on about.
This won't be a long post, just the info of me transitioning to English.
And what I did this weekend!
I was working, with one of Norway's biggest bands called DumDum Boys.
It was hard, and major fun at the same time.
The crew of DumDum Boys where really fun working with, and the opportunity to learn from these people was just awesome! They really know what they are doing!
And the concert was awesome as well.
I was the Light technician for the warm-up band, a local band, called F.A.K.S.
Witch in it self, was fun ^^ The amount of lights we used, was the most in the history of the company (Ørnes Lyd og Lys) over 90kW of electricity was used during the show.
Is was just insane amount of hours spent on the build.
170 work hours was put into it, I have a some pictures of the build, so you can see.

                               Before the DumDum Boys crew showed up.

                               One half of the PA Rig, same on the other side.

                               After The DumDum Boys crew showed up, with the stage props
                               (the red silk carpets)

                               And now the Stage build is complete, and we are going over the
                               specs with the DumDum Boys crew, and testing sound and lights

So as you can see, it was quite a weekend.
Early mornings, and late nights.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Syns det er flott at du har begynt å skrive på engelsk sånn at flere kan lese=)Det er jo awesome rett å slett=)<3

  2. ikke at noen lesre bloggen min uansett xD ;p
    lettere å skrive engelsk ^^ <3

    1. Jeg leser, og det er sikkert flere enn meg som gjør det også. Dessuten tar det jo litt tid før man får folk til å lese bloggen mer=)
      Ja, det er så utrolig mye letter å skrive på engelsk=)

    2. ikke så farlig om folk ikke leser bloggen min, den er mer for min del, en andre sin del ;p
      mye enklere <3

    3. Ja, det er jo igrunn min også, men så ble det skikkelig morsomt når andre begynte å lese å kommentere mer=) Så er jo gøy når andre leser da:) syns jeg=)
      Oh yeah<3

  3. jojo, men så har jo du et tema med din blogg ;P
    det har ikke jeg :P
    enda ;P

    1. Det er sant, men trenger jo ikke det for at andre skal lese å sånt;)

    2. sant no, men lettere å få folk intressert i bloggen sin, med et tema ;p
      anyways ;P <3

    3. Jepp, det er helt sant da;)<3
